Violence at home can make you feel bad


  1. You are not alone
  2. You can talk to someone and get help
  3. Family violence is NOT OK.
  4. It is NOT your fault!

Someone In My Home Is Being Hurt

Sometimes families fight, but its NOT OK if you or someone else in your family is feeling scared and unsafe all the time.

Family violence is where an adult is making their husband or wife, partner or ex-partner feel scared or unsafe.

They may be hitting, punching or kicking them. They may throw or break things. They may say or do mean things.

Or they could be scaring, controlling or bullying them.

Even if they are hurting someone else, it can be really scary and upsetting for you.

Family violence might make you feel scared, upset or angry.

It's NOT OK to feel scared at home. If violence is happening in your home, there are lots of ways you can get help. You are not alone.

The most important thing you can do is to stay safe!


If you or someone else is in danger and you don't feel safe, call the police on Triple Zero (000)


If you are safe, but feel scared, talking to someone can help.

Talk to someone you know and trust
  • Talk to an adult you trust about what is happening and how you are feeling. It could be a parent, family member, teacher, neighbour, a friend’s parent or a coach.
  • You might worry about what to say or feel really scared about it. The important thing is that you tell someone even if it's hard to do.
  • If the person you tell doesn't help you, then tell somebody else. Don't give up!
Get Help
  • If you can’t think of someone to talk to or if it’s easier to talk to someone you don’t know, you can. Services are available to help children just like you!
Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline counsellors will listen and help you figure out what to do.

You can call 1800 55 1800 - it's free!

You can start a WebChat -

You can also visit the website -

I Am Being Hurt

Is someone hurting you?

Are you feeling scared, angry, sad, confused or yucky about something that someone has done to you?

Has someone shown you something that you are worried about?  It might be by a person you know or like, or who you think is your friend.

You might feel scared and confused about someone hurting you. You might think its a secret you can't tell anyone. You want it to stop but don't know how. You might feel alone.

Getting hurt, touched or made to do things you don't like is NOT OK!

You are not to blame. You deserve to feel safe and cared about in a way that doesn't hurt you.

It can be hard telling someone about it. You might think you won't be believed.

Its OK to feel uncomfortable or worried about telling someone. The important thing is that you tell someone even if it's hard to do.


If you or someone else is in danger and you don't feel safe, call the police on Triple Zero (000)


If you are safe, but feel scared, talking to someone can help. It can be tricky, but its one of the best things you can do.

Talk to someone you know and trust
  • Talk to an adult you trust about what is happening and how you are feeling. It could be a parent, family member, teacher, neighbour, a friend’s parent or a coach.
  • You might worry about what to say or feel really scared about it. The important thing is that you tell someone even if it's hard to do.
  • If the person you tell doesn't help you, then tell somebody else. Don't give up!
Get Help
  • If you can’t think of someone to talk to or if it’s easier to talk to someone you don’t know, you can. Services are available to help children just like you!
Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline counsellors will listen and help you figure out what to do.

You can call 1800 55 1800 - it's free!

You can start a WebChat -

You can also visit the website -